The natural world provides us with a wealth of inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom. The Earth existed before humans, and it will proceed to exist after humans are gone. Natural cycles serve as an excellent example of what sustainability really means. If only society could take a look at the world around us and listen to its wisdom, learned and perfected over billions of years of existence.
If we paid a bit more attention, we’d see how we as human beings are intrinsically tied up in these cycles and processes! Here are five reminders we can learn from Mother Nature herself.
Lesson 1: Nature is always changing.
In nature, nothing is static. Everything changes, constantly evolving and adapting to its environment. Plants and animals evolve over centuries in order to survive in changing conditions. The seasons change every year. There is growth, and there is death. Nothing can ever stay the same!
As humans, we’re quite adverse to change. We’ll do anything in our power to keep things the way they already are. Most people would prefer to stay in their comfort zone. The thought of our lives transforming overnight is incredibly scary, and this fear of change protects us from the ‘dangers’ of a different life.
Yet, nature shows us that this is all an illusion. There will be loss in our lives. There will be new growth. There is no way to hold on to each moment exactly how it is– time simply does not allow for it! No matter how hard we try, our lives will change, because time will pass. We will experience various ‘seasons’ of life: some good and some not so much.
What nature shows us is that this change is, well, natural. Nature teaches us that this change can also be one of the most beautiful, enjoyable, bittersweet parts of life, because it shows us that we are truly alive.
Lesson 2: Nature knows balance.
Nature is constantly in flux. We see it in the trees, in the seasons, and even in our backyards. But what we don't always understand is how nature maintains this perfect balance between growth and decay.
Nature has an amazing ability to find balance when faced with change. A tree may grow larger one year, and then get struck by lightning and die the next. Another tree may start to grow from its ashes! An equilibrium is almost always found eventually.
This equilibrium is a sense of balance that can bring peace to our minds if we chose to practice it. There will be high highs and low lows in our lives. Just like the natural cycles of all living things, we don’t necessarily need to get caught up in these waves. Bringing that balance and equilibrium energy of the natural world to our own challenges as humans is sort of like a meditative magic. It shows us that we will make it through this, because life goes on.
Lesson 3: Nature knows that beauty isn't everything.
Nature isn't focused on being pretty. Too often, we have tried to make nature fit our sense of what's beautiful, rather than trying to understand its own aesthetic values. Thousands of ecosystems are in operation every day, molding to meet their current needs. Animals don’t necessarily live their lives for beauty, but rather, they focus on survival. Plants are focused on spreading their seeds and protecting themselves from prey.
As individuals in an online world, it can be hard to take the focus away from physical appearances. Women especially may spend their whole lives tied up with what’s in style and how to perfect their looks. The natural world teaches us that absolute perfection can be reached without even trying!
Think of some of the most divine and outstanding landscapes that humans regard as beautiful. The landscape, and all of the plants, animals, and geological formations within it are not trying to be beautiful. They just exist! They just live their lives. What if we took a page out of nature’s books and considered our inherent worthiness and beauty– without the standards society has put in place?
Lesson 4: Nature is collaborative.
Looking at most animals’ lives, you can see that collaboration is a key part of their survival. In most cases, the only way that anything survives is by working together, relying on other creatures, and helping each other out.
The relationships between plants and animals teach us the importance of working together with others. It shows us that at the end of the day, we all truly rely on each other to survive! There is no real place for division, as we are all one and the same. We are all part of an ecosystem.
Lesson 5: Nature is resilient and adaptable.
Nature can survive in the harshest conditions. It can thrive with very little water or sunlight, it can grow on rock faces and in poor soil– it can even survive some of the horrendous things humans are putting it through. When something seemingly awful happens, the natural world adapts in order to survive.
This incredible ability to survive in difficult conditions teaches us the true power of resilience. The environment encourages us to observe our surroundings and adapt to them as necessary. This is a key element in the survival instinct that all living creatures possess!
Always look for the lessons.
Nature is a great source of inspiration, so spend some time observing it– breathing in the fresh air and taking note of the plants and animals around you.
Nature can teach us much more than these five simple things. It can teach us how to be humble, how to appreciate silence, how to stay calm in times of stress– the list goes on and on!
The natural environment and all of the plants and animals that inhabit it is one of our greatest teachers. When we look to it for wisdom and guidance, it is there for us. It shows us that our planet can be balanced and beautiful without sacrificing its natural resources. It teaches us how to collaborate with others in order to accomplish goals. Not only can the wisdom of the natural world solve many of our modern problems, we must also do everything in our power to protect it.